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A decorated junior hurdler, Alicia Barrett is one of the most impressive athletes to watch when

All at the Ron Pickering Memorial Fund are saddened by the news of the recent passing

The Jean Pickering Olympic Scholarships With 2020 just around the corner, and with the 2020 Ron

The Ron Pickering Memorial Fund has made its selection for the Young Athletes of the Year

Jean Pickering Olympic Scholarships (JPOS) supporting six young athletes in their development toward qualification for Team

RPMF Grant Awards 2017-18 A record number of 640 Applications were received at the end of

The Ron Pickering Memorial Award for Services to Athletics, awarded annually by the British Athletics Writers

The RPMF distributed £43,000 in grants to 199 talented young British athletes National age group record

Stan Greenberg receives RPMF Memorial Award at BAWA 2016 Address as presented by Shaun and Kim

Southern Women’s Track & Field League generous legacy for the RPMF The Southern Women’s Track and